Ken and Deb Mornings



Begin each day with Ken and Deb in the Morning, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Ken Brooks and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ. Listen for Christian music, news, traffic updates, weather, community events, interviews, features, as well as opportunities for you to participate! Designed to inspire, inform and entertain, Moody Radio's Ken and Deb in the Morning will bring a smile to your face as you dive into your day.


  • This is Love: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Doug Rowland

    14/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    What do we need to know about love to be like Christ in the way we love? Pastor Doug Rowland shares a devotional teaching from 1 John 4, outlining the essentials of love. This look at love will help us to remember the depth of Christ's love for each of us and how his love compels us to seek to love others well. See for privacy information.

  • How to Stand Firm in Your Faith When the World is Falling Apart: A Conversation with Robert Morgan

    14/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    How can you rejoice in the middle of trials and danger? The Apostle Paul found the secret and he shares this throughout the book of Philippians. Author and podcaster Robert Morgan dives deep into this Scripture in his new book, "How to Stand Firm When the World is Falling Apart."  If you seek an overflowing life in this overwhelming world, listen to this conversation to glean wisdom in building a new attitude on Mornings with Seth and Deb.See for privacy information.

  • Attentive Church Leadership: A Conversation with Jim Singleton

    13/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    The Church is facing challenging times in this changing world. How do we listen and learn in a world we've never known? Authors Kevin Ford and Jim Singleton provide help for church leaders on how to be attentive to God, their congregation, and their community in their new book, Attentive Church Leadership. Jim Singleton will join Seth and Deb to discuss how your church may need to pivot and make changes to thrive and grow in these changing times. See for privacy information.

  • The Overcomers: A Conversation with Matt Chandler

    13/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    Are you anxious about the future? Is your now characterized by struggling, surviving, or thriving? Pastor, Elder, and Author Matt Chandler will offer encouraging truths from the book of Revelation to help us face today's troubled, stressful world. Matt helps us discover the power God's given us to live a victorious Christian life amid the stress and anxiety of our world today. See for privacy information.

  • Blending: A Conversation with Timothy and Olivia Smith

    10/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    As we approach Mother’s Day, you may have mixed feelings if you have recently become a stepmom or dad. How do you best navigate the new roles and holidays like Mother’s and Father’s Day? Tim and Olivia Smith share what they've learned from their experience as a blended family and offer resources on navigating obstacles and building a strong relationship with your stepson or daughter. Together they reach out to help blended families and have resources available at Blended Not Broken.See for privacy information.

  • Honest Prayers for Mama Bears: A Conversation with Julie Loos

    10/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Moms, do you ever get discouraged as you consider the world your children are growing up in? What's the best defense as you teach and disciple the next generation? Julie Loos has served in leadership with Moms in Prayer International and has co-authored Honest Prayers for Mama Bears. We'll talk about how God wants us to lay all our concerns over to Him and the importance of knowing and praying Scripture for our children.See for privacy information.

  • The Joy Challenge: A Conversation with Randy Frazee

    09/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    Do you desire a life marked by deep-seated joy, regardless of the season of life you’re in or life’s circumstances? What does this joy have to do with our mindset? We’re seated in the school of joy this morning as we visit with Pastor Randy Frazee in this conversation on Mornings with Seth and Deb. Learn how adopting certain principles can move the needle from a negative to a positive joy-filled life lesson.See for privacy information.

  • Aledo Rhubarb Fest: A Conversation with Chef Stephanie Godke

    09/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Everything's coming up Rhubarb at the upcoming Fest in Aledo! Our friend Chef Stephanie Godke will be in studio on Thursday to talk about Rhubarb and the delicious opportunity to explore the many delectable delights and tastes of this seasonal jewel!! The Rhubarb Fest may also be the place to show off your favorite Rhubarb recipe!!  See for privacy information.

  • Voice of the Martyrs Update: A Conversation with Todd Nettleton

    09/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Every other week on Seth and Deb we welcome Todd Nettleton to the morning to share what's happening around the world with our brothers and sisters who are enduring persecution because of their faith in Jesus. This week Todd updates us on the US Commission on International Freedom annual report, highlighting countries of concern. We'll also hear about recent attacks on  Christian homes and businesses in southern Egypt and the miraculous healing of a woman in Iran!See for privacy information.

  • Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad: A Conversation with Abbie Halberstadt

    09/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    What has been the hardest thing you've gone through as a Mom? Our guest today will encourage moms to embrace the hard with a new perspective. Abbie Halberstadt is a homeschooling mom of ten seeking to shatter the false belief that the hard thing is the bad thing. She challenges a shift in how we look at the difficult seasons of parenting, embracing the struggle and allowing the hard to strengthen our reliance on Christ and grow us up in Him.See for privacy information.

  • The Truth in True Crime: A Conversation with J. Warner Wallace

    07/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    True crime stories and podcasts are often on the top of rating charts. Why are we fascinated with true crime stories? Do these stories teach us something about ourselves, and if so, what? Dateline-featured cold-case homicide detective, author, and speaker Jim Warner Wallace says that investigating death has taught him a great deal about life and the nature of people. He's joining us to talk about his discoveries and will uncover life-truths he's gleaned from his investigation and Biblical wisdom; revealing what really matters in the end!See for privacy information.

  • Time: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Gerad Hall

    07/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    Life is fragile and fleeting, but there is comfort and encouragement in knowing who holds our life and times in His hands. Gerad Hall instructs us in the precious gift of time in his teaching from Psalm 31. You're invited to take some time to explore time in this prepared devotional teaching on Mornings with Seth and Deb!See for privacy information.

  • Hope for Brazil: A Conversation with Dave McClamma

    06/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    How is the Gospel changing lives, churches, and communities in Brazil? Hope for Brazil seeks to demonstrate the love of Jesus in practical ways, establishing churches and community relationships to be on mission and meet the needs of people in their regions. Hope for Brazil CEO Dave McClemma will join Mornings with Seth and Deb to share how they are reaching out, meeting needs, and experiencing gospel transformation in Brazil.   See for privacy information.

  • Loneliness: A Conversation with Steve DeWitt

    06/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    You may be in a season where life is lonely. Our guest lived through a season of loneliness and will share with us how to redeem this ache. How is that possible when it hurts so much? Pastor Steve DeWitt says it is by gospelizing our loneliness. Find out what that means and how to move toward spiritual and relational flourishing when facing a season of heart-aching loneliness. See for privacy information.

  • Permission to be Imperfect: A Conversation with Kyle Winkler

    03/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    Do you live the walk of faith feeling as if you never quite measure up? Many Christians live on the wheel of endless striving to please God and buckle under the weight of that burden. Author Kyle Winkler offers a timely message of living free in God's grace. Does that mean we are no longer concerned about sin? This is the conversation for Friday and you'll be encouraged by this shift in focus that results in greater freedom and obedience!See for privacy information.

  • How to Resurrect a Dead Prayer Life: A Conversation with Dr. Bill Thrasher

    02/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    What can we do if we find ourselves in a season of drought in our prayer life? Is there a path forward to a lifegiving prayer ministry when we struggle with discouragement or disillusionment in our prayer life? Dr. Bill Thrasher found himself in a season of drought in his prayer life and now shares how his prayer life was resurrected, offering clear and applicable steps toward transformation. Be listening to this hopeful conversation and time of prayer on this National Day of Prayer.See for privacy information.

  • Prayer Revolution: A Conversation with John Smed

    02/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    What would happen if God’s people were awakened to a passion for prayer? How would this transform our communities, cities, and nation? On this National Day of Prayer John Smed calls us to be in concert as the Church to corporately praying kingdom-expanding prayers. John is the Founding Director of Prayer Current, an organization that helps leaders to make multiplying disciples through prayer and evangelism. He will encourage us and challenge us in making prayer a priority in our community churches and in our personal lives.See for privacy information.

  • The Book that Conquered Time: A Conversation with Rob Suggs

    01/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    How did we get the sixty-six books that make up the Bible?  What have been some of the Church’s controversies and disputes over God’s Word? What are the purposes and differences of modern translations? Join Ken and Gerad as they welcome Rob Suggs for a faith-building conversation on how the Bible came to be and how it is The Book that Conquered Time!See for privacy information.

  • Taking the 5 Leaps: A Conversation with Rachel G. Scott

    01/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    Do you feel stuck? You long to move forward in God’s calling for your life, but you don’t know the action to take- the leaps you need to take to get where God is calling you to go. Bible teacher and author Rachel G. Scott maps out five types of leaps we take to propel ourselves into the purpose He has for us in her book Taking the 5 Leaps. Deb had a chance to sit down with Rachel to talk about those times in life when God is calling us to make a change, take a risk, and follow Him to new places. Learn more about these 5 leaps and the invitation God gives to partner with Him in the purpose He has for us.  See for privacy information.

  • My Lowest for His Highest: A Conversation with Kat Shultis

    30/04/2024 Duration: 12min

    How do you hold on to faith when your life doesn't turn out as hoped? How do you persevere when your dreams have been shattered? Author Kat Shultis has been in that space of discouragement, grief, and broken dreams. She will share how these seasons of pain drew her close to the Lord and strengthened her trust. Learn how to dance on disappointment and transform your self-pity into gratitude by incorporating new practices into your daily life. See for privacy information.

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